Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to get more Town Projects

Okay, I found out that you can unlock more town projects from the type of villagers you have in your town.  Including the following:


Uchi is a type of personality returning to Animal Crossing New Leaf. Uchi villagers are very caring towards the player and are less vain than Snooty and  Peppy villagers, but they  are also more blunt and may come across as rude on some occasions. Uchi villagers normally wake up at 11 a.m. and  sleep at 3 a.m. There are twenty-two of this villager type. Sometimes other villagers may refer to them by male pronouns.

Uchi Villagers

  • Agnes
  • Canberra
  • Charlise
  • Cherry (Villager)
  • Deidre
  • Diva 
  • Flo
  • Frita
  • Fuchsia
  • Hazel (New Leaf)
  • Katt
  • Mira
  • Muffy
  • Pashmins
  • Paula
  • Phoebe


Cranky villagers are shy and  poised. There are a total of fifty-four cranky villagers.

Cranky Villagers

  • Admiral
  • Angus
  • Apollo
  • Avery
  • Boris 
  • Bruce
  • Butch 
  • Buzz
  • Camofrog
  • Cesar
  • Chief
  • Chow
  • Chuck
  • Croque
  • Curt
  • Cyrano
  • Del
  • Elvis
  • Fang
  • Flash
  • Frank (New Leaf)
  • Gaston
  • Grizzly
  • Gonzo
  • Groucho
  • Gruff
  • Hamphrey
  • Harry
  • Hopper
  • Joe
  • Kabuki
  • Knox
  • Limberg
  • Lobo
  • Monty
  • Murphy
  • O'Hare
  • Octavian
  • Oxford
  • Peewee
  • Pigleg
  • Pironkon
  • Rasher
  • Ricky
  • Rizzo
  • Rocco
  • Rolf
  • Rooney
  • Roscoe
  • Rowan
  • Spike
  • Static
  • Tom
  • Twirp
  • Vic
  • Vladmir
  • Walt
  • Wolfgang
  • Wart Jr.

There will be a second blog on this and as well as a third explaining the projects you get if you have any of these villagers in your town.

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